Our gutsy Bravery sisters and brothers catching up in New York City.


It’s been an unrelenting few months for everyone across the globe.

Everyday we witness the real heroes and sheroes in the middle of things, sweating in the middle of the night alone, doubting the future, crying the tears of self-doubt, burning holes in the ground with their mad desire to flee.

We celebrate the ones who are making choices right now that others will not see.

We celebrate you right now, as though you are the biggest winner of all time- because YOU are !

YOU are sticking with the wonderful and terrible confusion of creating an authentic life amidst the chaos and uncertainty.

Today, we celebrate YOU for being in the middle of things and heroically sticking through this. Whatever ‘this’ is.

Our most recent column in Glasgow West End Today documents our own choices and way through the midst of our own struggles.

Please read it HERE

Sending love to you all,

Be well, keep safe and stay brave !

Charley and Colin x